Sunday, June 23, 2024

Pioneers of RG&E Newsletter - 06/23/2024 & Picnic Information

 Greetings from South Carolina!

    How is everyone? Wow, it's been almost a year since I posted anything. It is getting tougher to stay up to date on things - much easier if you join the Facebook group. I'd like to phase out the emails since the only thing we talk about are the picnics and the obituaries, and those are all posted now on Facebook. 
    Postcards were ordered and sent out for the picnic today. I did get a list of retirees from RG&E, which is now complicating things but on the upside, it has added a bunch of folks to the list. Downside, is more folks to reach out to and higher cost of mailings. 


Pioneers Picnic - August 1, 2024

85th Annual RG&E Pioneer’s Picnic

Barnard Exempt Party House, 360 Maiden Lane
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM; food available from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM; 
Cash beverages and cash bar
$22 per person

Please pay in advance by WEDNESDAY, July 17th, 2024:
1. Make check out to “PIONEERS OF RG&E”
2. Please include names of attendees and Mail to:
            Molly Johnston
            1186 Key Island Rd
            Prosperity, SC 29127
3. You do not need to reply if you are not attending

We do not receive any reimbursements from RG&E, so note that costs include:
  • Picnic pavilion rental
  • Picnic catering & gratuity
  • Postcard mailings 
  • Pioneers website domain fees

The Facebook group "RG&E Pioneer's Club"

There is a very active Facebook group that you should consider joining if you aren't on it, I think the reach there is much more than this newsletter and I would love to just use that for communications moving forward...

Here are some discussion highlights/topics - 
  • They post obituaries and deaths
  • They vent about changes at RG&E
  • Lots of chatter about the RG&E billing issues
  • Russell Station retirees get together on some Wednesdays for breakfast
  • There are posts about accounts, benefits, phone number questions
  • There are posts with pictures - some old memories, excerpts from old RG&E publications, xmas cards, etc.


[Not necessarily in order. Sourced from Facebook posts, emails to MJ]

Legacy online has changed to a paid subscription service recently, so I will no longer receive emails from key word searches for online obituaries. So the best I can do at this point will be to collect info from the Facebook group and emails that folks send me.

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