
Thursday, November 25, 2021

Pioneers of RG&E Newsletter - 11/25/2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our last post was before the Pioneer's Picnic, I really don't know where the time goes. 

I hope that everyone is doing well, I see the crowd on Facebook is a little more active and I'll start pulling some posts and information from there to share here so that the non-Facebook crowd can see some of what is going on. 

For my vaccine friendly folks - booster shots are now available, don't forget to get yours! The current eligibility is as follows:

If you are 18 years and older and received the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna initial vaccine series at least six months ago or the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine at least two months ago, you are eligible for your COVID-19 booster dose. Boosters can help provide additional protection, especially for those over the age of 50 and others with underlying conditions. ~

I'm grateful for my health, my families (work and home), and all of you out there. I wish you all a healthy and Happy Thanksgiving and Christmas and/or whatever Holidays you celebrate this and next month.

Warmest regards,


Pioneer Picnic

The picnic was yet another beautiful day - perfect weather, excellent turnout and the same simple BBQ style food. I think on behalf of everyone there, I can say it felt good to get together with folks again in person. This year there was around 195 people in attendance - which is pretty much what we have every year. Interestingly though, there were a lot of first time attendees. 

Ken Kuzia has been kind enough to take and share his pictures of the picnic this year. You can enjoy them at this link: Picnic 2021 Pictures

Looking all all of these pictures makes me wonder why we don't try a group picture one of these years. I usually make folks do that for every other event I put on. Maybe we'll try in 2022. A few larger group pictures, trying to get everyone looking at the camera sounds fun doesn't it?!

The 50/50 was entertaining and fun - Jim White had a blast selling tickets (thanks again Jim!) and Karen Foote joined in with that fun (thanks Karen!). 

We also had a couple of raffles for some old RG&E toy trucks and I think I finally got rid of most of our freebie giveaways. Someone brought some old pictures to go through, I have some of those leftover to bring next year. It is always a treat to see what folks want to share each year. 

The March FL Pioneer Picnic

[From Jack and Christy Klein]

The Florida Picnic is March 14, 2022 at Lake Seminole Park, same pavilion as always.  11 AM until the last person leaves.

Bring your own food and drink.  Join friends and catch up on everything going on in our lives and the world.

We look forward to seeing as many people as possible.  The group is slowly fading into the sunset.

John (Jack) and Christy Klein,, 585-355-0090

A note from E. William Prytherch (Bill) - 8/2/21 

[MJ  reformatted layout]




Bonnie & I have recently MOVED to Holland, OH a suburb of Toledo. We lived in Greece NY for over 50 yrs & moved to be with our daughter, husband & family. IT WAS A BIG DECISION AND CHANGE TO DOWNSIZE, SELL & MOVE BUT WE ARE VERY HAPPY WE HAVE DONE IT! I RETIRED IN 99 with the fossil/hydro gang as i was chemist for both stations. 

We're healthy & well, but age is creaping up on us with "stuff". SORRY we won't be coming thursday as its my daughters birthday but expect we will be in FLA & hope to attend there. 

HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY!! I give thanks to GOD above that has made today & everyday possible!

Veteran's Day Event

[Content from Facebook, MJ reformatted]

Post from David Payne - 11/12/21

Yesterday, Veterans Day 11-11-21, members of the RG&E Armed Forces Club met at the dedicated flagpole at the Scottsville Rd Operation Center to remember the war dead of all wars.  Especially remembered were the nine RG&E employees who gave their lives in World War II and the Vietnam War.  The Vet's Club has conducted these tributes for 74 years.  

I am not a veteran, but I am honored to have been the club bugler and an honorary member since about 1973.  The members are some of the nicest people I have come to know.  Sadly, many and most are now departed.  

Thanks to all of them for their service and good they have done as a club, including work at senior homes, our many Christmas parties at the Auditorium Theater and continuing the tradition of celebrating our veterans, both alive and dead.

It is also sad that this Veterans Day marks the last official gathering of this club.  When I came to RG&E, Earl Clark was the MC and for the last many years, WWII veteran Ray Dunn (he will be 96 next month) has been our commandant.  Lee Loomis has served as our chaplain in recent years.  The Club's formal activities were concluded 10 years ago and now the official flag pole ceremonies are ending.  The club motto has always been "lest we forget".  

I will not.

The day before Thanksgiving

There were a handful of folks that got together (yesterday) for a visit - I guess these guys have been getting together for 40 years...haha, it was nice to see folks. 
In attendance - Mary Kay and Jeff Masters, Karen Douglas, Kevin Sullivan and Molly Johnston, Hugh Ives (and Cheryl), Jim Kula, Sue and Jim Fackelman.

Kevin Woolever

Article by Don Dunn published in the Wayne Co. Times can be found HERE


[Not necessarily in order. Sourced from Facebook posts, Legacy online obituary notifications and emails to MJ]

Jane C. Brown (mentions working at RG&E for a bit)
Dave Lovgren (no obit found, from Ginna)
Sylvia Lohrmann (Al Lohrmann's wife) 

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Pioneers of RG&E Newsletter - 08/01/2021

A Newsletter for Retirees and Friends * Also posted at

 The picnic is full steam ahead this Thursday. We have just about 200 people signed up! (This is actually our typical headcount). I'm excited to see everyone - much of the usual crowd and also quite a bit of first-timers joining. We will be doing a 50/50 raffle (see JIM WHITE) that helps with funding the postcards and keeping this picnic so affordable - so bring some CASH if you want to help support this effort! We also usually have folks bringing old RG&E memorabilia that is FREE for you to take home!
  Check-in and nametag pickup is at the front of the pavillion, so please stop there first - also note, we request you turn your nametag back in to us before you leave for safe-keeping for future years. 
  I want to THANK YOU all that included little notes in with your checks for the picnic - it is much appreciated and keeps me going - I appreciate all of you too!

  Keep in mind that RG&E no longer provides recent retiree info, so sharing this information is basically word of mouth. Much of the group is on facebook and on this email chain, and I still have an old database of addresses where I send picnic postcards. 

Warmest regards,
The below sections are email replies to newsletters.
It is SO NICE to have things to share other than obituaries...

I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! Keep it coming! You can email me HERE.
Email from Don Jeerings on April 28th - 

"Yes I received the report and I am extremely grateful that you sent it..
My name is Donald Jeerings, I am 93 years old and still driving.
I worked in the Electric Meter and Lab on Front Street and later at Jefferson Rd.  My memory is reasonably good, but it is strictly one track...  Change the subject and I am Lost. 

I do not have any living family. basically I am an electronic engineer, and hold 3 (worthless) patents in 5 foreign countries.  My main functions at RG&E were maintenance of the Supervisory Control systems, and later, research for design of a fallen conductor sensor.  I was at Hydro Station 5 during the North East Blackout and instrumental is getting cranking power for Beebe station. I directed the RG&E / Westinghouse acceptance test at the Gina station. 

I am still doing engineering work (no license in Florida) but I have a suitable income to pay for my research toys and help others in distress. Engineering and money wise.

I have done a tremendous amount of work in the DNA field and have concluded that the Lord lives in the DNA within me. (this is contrary to bible teachings and kept personal) 
My wife passed away 3 years ago after I spent 10 months of 24/7 bedside attendance. 
My father was Carl Jeerings, Rural Electro-frication Third Floor, East Avenue office.  
I have a lot of RG&E memorabilia that I wish I could find a home for. Is there any Rochester Museum available Perhaps a local collector that might possibly use it ?
Respectfully Submitted 
        Donald Jeerings "
Email from Chuck Weigand on June 6th - 

"Thank you, thank you.  I read in the obits that my friend, Paul J. Knipper passed away.  It was a stark reminder of life and passing.  We used to play euchre from dusk to dawn.  Memories that will be forever etched on my hard drive.  It seems each day I endeavor to contact friends from the past, unfortunately it becomes a job for tomorrow.  The thought of calling and finding out another friend has passed is much too painful.  Living in the Valley of the sun is marvelous and absolutely refreshing.  Yep, it is a dry heat!!
Considering the virus and frightful fallout, newsletters such as this become a vital line of communications for remembrance and reminiscing.  Beebee Station now is long gone.  It reminds me of the song that involves removing the trees and putting up a parking lot.  Preservation of station history fell into my lap, but upon my departure I have no idea where is disappeared to.  Well preserved photos of the building of Station 3 were stored in folders as a memento of the past.  A great deal of photos were from 1898 illustrating workers hauling debris via donkey and cart up the gorge wall. 
It was most certainly a massive undertaking.  Peering into dark deserted rooms were filled with apparatus used for what I imagine was street car power.  Turbines dated back to 1909 were still in use, but restricted because steam was lost to atmosphere, not recaptured for low pressure steam heating.
I love the memories from those years, even though some are painful reminders of unscrupulous personnel.  All in all the memories of Beebee Station parties at Logan’s brings a smile.
Chuck Weigand"

Fundraiser Alert!

For Kevin Woolever

Click HERE for the Go Fund Me page organized by James Zapetis. Info copied from the site is below - 

Hi, my name is Jim and I am fundraising for my friend Kevin Woolever and his wife, Sharon.  After high school, Kevin went to Alfred State.  In 1980, He got hired by Rochester Gas & Electric company (RG&E) as an Instrument & Control Technician at Beebe Station and later transferred to R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant in Ontario, NY.  He also provided outage support to Russel Station.  Kevin left Ginna station (then owned by Constellation) in 2007 and worked on the road as an I&C Tech at various power plants in the U.S., most recently with Greenidge Generation LLC in Dresden, NY.

Kevin has been diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease.  Here’s a link that describes this disease: What is ALS ?  This is the same disease that his father had.

Currently Kevin’s symptoms include slow or slurred speech (called dysarthria or “thick speech”) and difficulty in projecting the voice.  Having his personal experience seeing what this disease did to his father, Kevin is aware of what is to come.

His wish is to be able to prevent foreclosure of their house and hopefully pay off the rest of the mortgage so Sharon doesn’t have to carry that burden.  Additionally, to help with the medical costs as this disease progresses. At the very least they are going to need help with their household expenses for the next few weeks. 

Any help that you can provide is very much appreciated. Even if it is just sharing this GoFundMe. Thank you so much.
Don't forget about Lifespan as a resource.
Lifespan provides information, guidance and more than 30 services for older adults and caregivers.


Elmer Adkins (passed away in May in Arizona per Bill Schrouder - I don't see an obituary)

From Legacy notifications:

Dionizio "Dan" Abbazia
Henry Elliott Wetherby
Vera E. Bellows
Edmund V. Knittel
Quirino "Reno" Simonetti

From Facebook posts
Jack L. Lukens
David J. "Blackie" Marrapese
Alice J. Fishbeck
Cynthia Mitchell (Coomber)
Gloria A. DeMeo - wife of Stephen DeMeo

If you know of folks that should be getting this newsletter - have them check their spam or junk folders. I have come across a few that we send to, request that I put their email in, but they never open them, so I assume they are caught up in spam.
Newsletter & User Maintenance:
Update Profile - help us collect retiree info!

Contact: /

Copyright © 2021 Pioneers of RG&E, All rights reserved.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Pioneers of RG&E Newsletter - 06/06/2021


A Newsletter for Retirees * Also posted at
 We have decided to have the Pioneer's Picnic this year due to the overhwhelming YES responses from the survey and I wanted to get the picnic information out to you. Please share!
  That being said, there were a few concerns about preferring that folks were vaccinated and some about wearing masks. My recommendation will be that you do whatever is comfortable for you, and we'll need to follow whatever regulations/guidelines are in place at the time of the picnic by Barnard. My expectation is that you will be respectful of each other's choices and of regulations.
Warmest regards,
Step 1:
REPLY to this email by June 11th IF YOU DO NOT NEED A POSTCARD delivered (because you received this email/post and/or are not planning on attending). 
Note, regardless, I may not have your address if you haven't received a postcard in the past.
Step 2:
82nd Annual RG&E Pioneer’s Picnic

Barnard Exempt Party House, 360 Maiden Lane
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM; food available from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM;
Cash beverages and cash bar
$15 per person
Please pay in advance by Friday, July 9th, 2021:
  1. Make check out to “PIONEERS OF RG&E
  2. Please include names of attendees
  3. Mail to:
Molly Johnston
51 Chautauqua Drive
Rochester, NY 14623
  1. You do not need to reply if you are not attending
Questions may be directed to Molly Johnston at 585-315-0795 or email
If you know of folks that should be getting this newsletter - have them check their spam or junk folders. I have come across a few that we send to, request that I put their email in, but they never open them, so I assume they are caught up in spam.
Newsletter & User Maintenance:
Update Profile - help us collect retiree info!

Contact: /

Copyright © 2021 Pioneers of RG&E, All rights reserved.

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Pioneers of RG&E · 51 Chautauqua Drive · Rochester, NEW YORK (NY) 14623 · USA

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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Pioneers of RG&E Newsletter - 04/25/2021



A Newsletter for Retirees and Friends of RG&E

Hello friends,

Happy 2021!

I hope that everyone is doing well. Are you staying healthy? I expect that most of you are vaccinated by now? If you are still nervous about getting the vaccine, consider that there are now 226 million people in the US with at least their first dose, and very minimal adverse effects! Please get vaccinated. Monroe County has now fully opened up the vaccination sites with no registration required - meaning you can walk-in and get a vaccine. 16 and older are currently eligible in NYS. The Monroe County site is here: Our positivity rates are still high, so the quicker we get through this the quicker we can get back to normal hopefully!

Speaking of, I’d like to know how you feel about the Picnic for this year… I think by then things will be much more opened up and since our picnic is outside our risk is on the lower side. But since most of you are likely in the high risk group, I think it will be up to you to decide. Please take the anonymous survey by clicking the link below. It is just a Yes/No survey, and you can leave a comment if desired. Please only take the survey once:


Thank you,


PS - For those of you on Facebook - our group is 
Don't forget these newsletters are also posted at
The old Pioneers site is active here:

March Picnic

I heard there was a March 8th picnic, but didn’t hear any details - got some awfully sad news from the Klein’s -

“I am so sorry Jack and I couldn't make the picnic. We had to fly to Rochester March 3rd and have just returned this week. Our son, Leo, fell and had a head injury. He was bleeding internally and in Strong hospital. When we arrived he was in a coma and never woke up. Leo passed March 4th with Jack, me and our daughter at his side. We had his children on the laptop to say their goodbyes. The nurses were so nice to cover all the cords so the children wouldn't see all the cords.

Leo is at peace and in heaven with our families. We will find peace through all our friends and family.

Were there many people at the picnic? Shall we do it again next year?

Take care. Hope to hear from some of you.


Jack and Christy Klein”

Personal Updates

Rick Meier, formerly Corporate Communications, moved to Phoenix, Arizona in December 2019. All of our children had moved to Phoenix and with the arrival of two grandsons in 2019, staying in Western New York wasn't where Angela and I wanted to be. We took four days to drive across the country. Stopped to have my picture taken "standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona..." Playing some golf. Hiking in the deserts. Enjoying the grandsons and family.

Recent Avangrid Phone Numbers:

1-855-577-4237 (Benefits Center)

1-833-246-6347 (One HR)

Copyright (C) 2021 Pioneers of RG&E. All rights reserved.

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